
Teaching and learning

At Ipswich North State School, we believe that every child can learn and will achieve.  We proudly recognise the cultural richness that our students and their families bring to our school and seek to embed cultural perspectives across all aspects of the schooling experience.  We also aim to engage with parents and carers to empower them to confidently contribute to their children’s education.   
Our school provides quality teaching for all Australian curriculum subjects: 
  • English 
  • Mathematics 
  • Science 
  • Humanities and Social Sciences (Geography, History and Economics) 
  • Physical Education and Health 
  • The Arts (Music, Visual Arts, Drama, Media Arts and Dance) 
  • Languages (Japanese) 
  • Technologies (Design and Technology, and Digital Technology) 
Teachers plan and implement the curriculum so that each child can be a successful learner.  To achieve this goal, our professional learning  teams meet with the principal, Head of Curriculum and Learning Support Teachers regularly to develop a deep understanding of the Australian Curriculum and how best teach, support and extend our students. 
Ipswich North State School has policies and procedures to support differentiation for all students across the key curriculum areas of English, Mathematics and Science.  Our teachers work hard to plan and implement lessons that respond to individual student needs by: 
  • Know your curriculum
  • Know your students  
  • Know your next steps
  • Know your teaching practices  
Written report cards are issued twice yearly, using a five point scale to report student achievement. Parent teacher interviews are offered in terms 1 and 3. A variety of assessment pieces are used to demonstrate student learning and inform end of semester reporting. 
In addition to the academic curriculum, extra-curricular activities are offered and include: 
  • Interschool sport 
  • Harmony day 
  • Under 8s  
  • NAIDOC celebration 
  • Book Week and Book Fair
  • Excursions related to curriculum areas 
  • Camps
Last reviewed 22 February 2023
Last updated 22 February 2023